Things tagged 'covid'

limited to the area of Barnet Cycling Campaign:

One issue found for 'covid':

  • A1000 pop-up cycle lanes south of Tally Ho gyratory

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    Following Dft Phase 1 funding arising from the current Covid19 situation, designs are available for cycle lanes covering the approximate 3.2km length from the Haringey boundary to just south of North Finchley.

     The design principle has been, where possible, to provide a temporary lightly segregated cycle lane, defined by wands, bolted into the carriageway surface at 4m spacings. In some cases, we have taken a cycle lane width of 2.5m. In other locations, where space permits, we have re-allocated the whole of a current running lane.

     At other locations, we have needed to retain a ‘with traffic’ cycle route. In order to mitigate this, these sections of the route will be provided with carriageway cycle markings and signage as is usual, but complemented with the introduction of 20mph limits.

     Monitoring of the route will take place (and indeed has already started) to assess cycle and motorised traffic volumes, as well as to assess any changes to the temporary layout that may be necessary.

     In developing the design we have engaged with TfL’s cycling sponsors and have incorporated, where applicable, comments and suggestions from their design audit teams and our safety advisors. We have also obtained support from the police in respect of the 20mph limits.

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