Barnet Cycling Campaign

Barnet Cycling Campaign is the local branch of the London Cycling Campaign (LCC). The group has about 300 members of all ages and abilities and includes commuter, utility, sport and leisure cyclists. Our aim is to encourage more active, healthy forms of travel and, in particular, to get people out on their bicycles and riding on the roads in, and through Barnet. We campaign for good quality, safe, schemes for cyclists in Barnet.

  • Queen's Crescent Area Scheme Public Consultation

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Following consultation in January 2021, Camden put in a trial scheme using ETOs in May 2021.

    The main features of the trial scheme were:

    • a pedestrianised section in Queen’s Crescent between Basset Street and Weedington Road (south) 
        plus closures at QC on the side roads Allcroft Road and Weedington Road (north)
    • a road closure on Grafton Road outside Carlton School (just north of its intersection with Queen’s Crescent).

    Camden is now proposing to make the scheme permanent but with the following changes:

    • shorten the pedestrianised section of Queen’s Crescent to  between Allcroft Road and Weedington Road (south)
    • move the Grafton Road closure further north (just north of Crestsield Close)

    These changes still ensure no rat-running on Grafton Road and on Queen’s Crescent, which is very important for cycling since C6 runs along Grafton Road and Queen’s Crescent provides a useful route to it from the western end of Prince of Wales Road (although cycling though isn’t convenient on market days).

    Camden’s stated motivations for the changes in QC are 

    • more parking and loading opportunities, in response to issues raised by businesses.
    • to improve access for motor vehicles

    Other proposed additions:

    • wider footways and continuous footways across several side road junctions
    • new sinusoidal ramp on Grafton Road by the bend near Vicars Road.
    • new seating, trees and bikehangars

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  • Highgate Road Safe and Healthy Streets

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden is consulting on making permanent the trial scheme put in during summer 2020:

    • Extension of hours of operation to 24/7 – “at all times” for the following bus lanes on Highgate Road:
      • the southbound bus lane CMO15 which runs from St Albans Road to Dartmouth Park Road,
      • the northbound bus lane CMO16 which runs from Carrol Close (97 Highgate Road) to Wesleyan Place,
      • and the southbound bus lane CMO17 which runs from Burghley Road to Fortess Road .
    • Waiting and loading restrictions extended to ‘at any time’ in all bus lanes.
    • Addition of two loading bays outside 109-111 Highgate Road in CMO16 and outside 12 Highgate Road in CMO17 with hours of operation of 7pm-7am for loading for commercial properties.

    They also propose the following new measures

    • the extension of the existing southbound bus lane “CMO15” to the north, up to the roundabout with Swains Lane
    • the removal of paid-for/permit parking bays along Highgate Road to remove existing pinch points and facilitate the extension of the bus lane (10 outside the tennis courts and 18 opposite Grove Terrace).
    • the introduction of ‘at any time’ waiting and loading restrictions at the junction of Highgate Road and Carrol Close, to improve road user and pedestrian safety

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  • Millfield Lane Safe and Healthy Streets

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    In June 2020, a No Entry (with cycle exception) was placed on Millfield Lane just south of the junction of Merton Lane, making the southern section one way northbound for motor vehicles. In addition, several parking spaces were removed at the bend to provide more space for walking.  This was done with an experimental traffic order and Camden is now consulting on making the changes permanent and building a proper footway at the widened section.


    Camden also proposes:

    • to convert 11 extra parking bays on Millfield Lane to double yellow lines and double kerb blips to improve visibility, reduce conflict between drivers and cyclists and to minimise vehicle movements which are hazardous to pedestrians.
    • and to remove parking on Merton Lane close to the junction with West Hill
    • and to remove parking at the junction of Merton Lane and Millfield Lane and widen the footway

    They also ask whether we would like to have Merton Lane one-way for motor vehicles (eastbound only)

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  • Three sets of road closures to be made permanent Sandall Road, Savernake Road, C

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Sandall Road Safe and Healthy Streets scheme

    In May 2020, as a trial, bollards were placed across Sandall Road by the width restriction to prevent motor traffic from cutting through residential streets between Camden Road and Kentish Town Road or Leighton Road.

    Camden is now consulting on whether the trail scheme should be made permanent. Drawing here.

    The consultation and the Online Survey are here

    Savernake and Cressy Road Safe and Healthy Streets scheme

    In May 2020, as a trial, bollards were placed across Savenake Road by the entry to Saverrnake Bridge to prevent motor traffic from cutting through Constantine Road and Savernake Road to avoid the signals at the junction of Agincourt Road and Mansfield Road.

    Camden is now consulting on whether the trail scheme should be made permanent with some enhancements - three separate water absorbing planting areas to include three new trees. Plans.

    They are also proposing two-way cycling on Cressy Road between Agincourt Road and Constantine Road – a very welcome extension of the recently implemented two-way cycling on Cressy Road south of Agincourt Road.

    And an electric vehicle charging point.

    The consultation and the Online Survey are here

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  • Electric Scooter Trial in Camden

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    On the 7th June 2021 Transport for London launched a trial on the use of rental electric scooters across some parts of London.

    E.g. in Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham, Richmond, Kensington and Chelsea and Tower Hamlets (ride through only) and Canary Wharf.

    The City of London and Westminster plan to join the trial on the 5th July 2021.

    Camden Council is now consulting on taking part in this trial.

    Service operators Dott, Lime and Tier.

    The e-scooters would be unlocked through the operator’s app on the user’s mobile phone and would be required to be parked within a designated parking bay at the end of a journey.

    They would be permitted on public highways in Camden and cycle lanes and will share cycle contraflow facilities.

    They would not be permitted on pavements or any public pedestrian space.

    Riders would need to be 18 years of age or over and have a full or provisional driving licence to rent an e-scooter

    Speed would be limited to 12.5mph. GPS managed speeds..

    They would be parked on street in assigned dockless hire parking bays, GPS enforcement of using bays

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  • Dangerous cycle lane - Green Lanes/ Green Dragon Lane

    Created by Nicholas Lees // 1 thread

    I cycle on this cycle lane daily and have nearly been knocked off my bike on multiple occasions as I cross Green Dragon Lane on the cycle lane by cars turning from Green Lanes into Green Dragon Lane (see the cursor on image). I think this needs to be looked at as a priority as it is only a matter of time before somebody is injured. Perhaps deviating the cycle lane up Green Dragon Lane slightly or putting a pelican crossing in would help. Many thanks

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  • Proposed Trial Changes to Haverstock Hill and Rosslyn Hill

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden proposes the following measures:

    • New cycle lanes, protected by flexible wands, will be installed on both sides of Haverstock Hill and Rosslyn Hill (between Prince of Wales Road and Belsize Lane).
      • On the northbound side, cyclists will have to use the existing bus lane from Belsize Avenue on – the bus lane times will be made 24/7.
    • All parking and loading spaces are to be removed from this section of Haverstock and Rosslyn Hill to make space for the cycle lanes. Some will be replaced in side roads.
    • All pedestrian refuges at informal crossings are being removed to make room for the cycle lanes. Five of the existing ‘uncontrolled’ crossing points on Haverstock Hill will be replaced with four new zebra crossings and one new signalised crossing .
    • Shared use bus boarders will be deployed at the eight bus stops – bus stops will be moved into the carriageway to allow for the cycle lane to continue next to the kerb.
    • At the junctions with England’s Lane and Pond Street ‘pedestrian countdown’ facilities, ‘early release’ for bikes and extended ‘Advanced Stop Lines’  will be provided subject to approval from TfL
    • Timed loading bays (Mon-Sat 10 am - 2pm) along (on southbound side opposite Steeles Road Haverstock Hill  and full time loading bay opposite Belsize Lane.
    • If the consultation is agreed, cycle parking will be added at the shopping parades.

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  • Six new School Streets - Feb 2021

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    All of the schemes operate timed road closures on Mondays to Fridays e.g. from 8.15am-9.15am and 3pm-4pm in term time.

    In all but one of the schemes, it is stated that the restrictions will be enforced using Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras.

    Each scheme would be introduced as a trial for a maximum of 18 months with  a further consultation After 12 months.

    Exemptions: properties and businesses in the closed section of the affected road, emergency services, bin lorries, blue badge and pupils of the school that have a disability that prevents them from using active travel.

    A few nice surprises here, marked with asterisks ***

    Brookfield School

    A Healthy School Street on Croftdown Road, between the junction with Chester Road and the east side of the junction with St. Albans Road.

    And close with planters and bollards the west side of the junction Croftdown Road/ St Albans Road

    Consultation on Camden’s website:

    Kentish Town Church of England Primary School

    A Healthy School Street on Islip Street, from Frideswide Place to the junction with Hammond Street.

    *** Create a permanent restriction on Hammond Street by placing planters halfway between Islip Street and Caversham Road.

    Temporary widening of footway outside school. Why temporary?

    Removal of some guard rails

    Consultation on Camden’s website:

    Christopher Hatton Primary School

    1. A Healthy School Street On Mount Pleasant, between the junction with Grays Inn Road and the junction with Elm Street.

    No mention of the use of ANPR cameras.

    *** 2. Make permanent the trial scheme in Laystall Street north of Rosebery Avenue which implemented a mid-point closure and allowed two-way cycling.

    Consultation on Camden’s website

    Argyle Primary School

    A Healthy School Street road on Bidborough Street, Hastings Street and Tonbridge Street.

    *** The one-way systems on all three streets would remain in place, with the addition of a contraflow for cycles.

    Consultation on Camden’s website

    St Mary and St Pancras School

    A Healthy School Street on Polygon Road between Chalton Street and Werrington Street.

    Consultation on Camden’s website:

    Ecole Jeanine Manuel

    A Healthy School Street on the south side of Bedford Square which is one-way westbound.

    from the junction with Bloomsbury Street to Adeline Place

    *** Add a contraflow cycle lane to the southern side of Bedford Square

    Consultation on Camden’s website:

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  • Mansfield Road and Estelle Road Safe and Healthy Streets consultation

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    The proposal is to made a Tiger crossing over Mansfield Road between Estelle Roads and the cut-through to Elaine Grove. This will replace the existing zebra crossing. The following supporting measures are also proposed: 

    • No Entry to Estelle Road from Mansfield Road
    • Introducing small sections of shared space (pedestrians and cycles) areas around the proposed crossing
    • removal of 9m parking bays on Estelle Road close to this junction

    The improvement of this crossing is in preparation for the extension of C6 from Kentish Town via Castle Road, Castelehaven Road and Grafton Road to reach Hampstead Heath at Savernake bridge.

    Implement on 18 month ETO,

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