Things tagged '20mph'

limited to the area of Barnet Cycling Campaign:

3 issues found for '20mph':

  • Quieter Neighbourhoods Consultation - Fox Lane Area

    Hamish F // 0 threads

    Enfield Council are consulting on these Quieter Neighbourhood treatments for the Fox Lane area. (which includes the Lakes Estate). They include "encouragement" of a 20mph zone supported by enhanced signage using large planter boxes, road narrowing, continuous footways, road humps, "fake road humps" (!), and points no entry.

    Plus a school street.

    This proposal is interesting in that the location of the (many) planter boxes remains flexible and is an opportunity for a trial to see what works, or use additional boxes.

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  • Quieter Neighbourhoods Consultation - Fernleigh Road Area

    Hamish F // 1 thread

    Enfield Council are consulting on these Quieter Neighbourhood treatments for the Fernleigh Road area. They include a 20mph zone supported by road narrowing and road humps, together with other measures to discourage rat-runs: no-left-turns, one way streets and point no entry.

    This residential area is currently affected by through-traffic seeking to avoid sets of traffic lights at Green Lanes/Bourne Hill and Green Lanes/Station Road.

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  • Progressing the LCC 2014 election campaign 'asks'

    Created by George Coulouris // 7 threads

    This issue is intended to act a repository for material that can be used to back-up the LCC's 2014 Local Election Campaign 'Asks'. There are 6 'asks' that were finalised and agreed at the LCC's AGM on 19 October 2013:

    1. Safe routes to schools
    2. Areas without through motor traffic (AWTTs)
    3. Protected space on main roads/major junctions
    4. Safe cycle routes via parks and canals (Greenways)
    5. 20mph speed limits
    6. Liveable town centres

    so we'll have 6 threads under this Cyclescape issue where we can collect explanations, discussions and most importantly concrete illustrations of what is meant by each ask.

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23 threads found for '20mph':

No planning applications found for '20mph'.

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